Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens)
Since I mentioned wintergreen in my last post, I thought I would give it a little more space on the blog today....
Since I mentioned wintergreen in my last post, I thought I would give it a little more space on the blog today....
Allow me to introduce you to the plants that inspired the name for my business Bluestar. ...
Spring ephemerals are starting to emerge and bloodroot or Sanguinaria canadensis is a particularly lovely one....
Bayberry is a beautiful shrub that is native to Eastern North America. It is about as unfussy as you can get with its growing conditions. ...
The beauty shown here grows on The High Line. Its botanical name is Hamamelis x intermedia 'Jelena'. This variety has orange and red as opposed to the more common yellow ones....
Winterhazel is one of the earliest shows of color, with yellow blooms on the otherwise bare shrubs. The blooms droop off the stem in a very graceful manner, which makes it a refreshing alternative to forsythia for early color. ...